Yoga Teacher Training Himachal, India
Turiya Yoga Academy offers yoga teacher trainings in India. Take the time to immerse yourself not only in yoga but also in a beautifully different culture. Enjoy a whole new life experience in India! The 18-day intensive yoga teacher training course in India is yoga alliance certified and offers a strong foundation in Hatha and Vinyasa-Flow for you to teach yoga safely, authentically, confidently and of course, joyfully! As all other Turiya yoga teacher trainings, we continue to offer yoga practitioners the highest standards of the market. Our teachers are truthful yoga practitioners that are in love with what they do and truly committed to guiding all yoga practitioners to becoming great yoga teachers.
India, Himachal:
Himachal in India is known for its happy people, evergreen nature and remarkable fresh air. It is known as a great place to practice yoga in India. Bhagsu village, close to the home of the Dalai Lama's main temple, is our picked spot for our yoga teacher training in India. The village rests amongst beautiful mountains, surrounded by a breathtaking scenario, energizing hike possibilities and a refreshing waterfall. A meeting place of Indian village people, different international groups and nature lovers enjoying life in the mountains and in cozy cafes.

The Family Guesthouse
We are happy to welcome yoga students in this beautiful and recently renovated yoga guesthouse in Bhagsu. The owners are known for their kindness and welcoming nature. They truly have the gift of making you feel at home. Functioning also as a Caf©, the guesthouse is a gem nestled in nature.To our luck, the family is an indo-german family, who also cooks delicious vegetarian and vegan meals just in the right combination of east and west.

The Rooms
Each student can stay in a private or double room with bathroom. Your stay will be very cozy in this yoga guesthouse! The rooms are spacious, well-equipped, very clean and with a porch. The guesthouse has a beautiful garden, a great yoga hall and very-very loved dogs.

The Meals
The Guesthouse offers healthy and delicious vegetarian yoga meals three times a day from Monday to Friday and breakfast on Saturdays (after the morning class). Please note that we are willing to accommodate special dietary needs such as gluten-free, vegan, allergies, etc. Some of our team have special dietary needs as well, so rest assured that we are more than experienced in this matter. Please be sure to let us know when you apply for your class. Participants are welcome to try out the various local restaurants and tourist activities during their days off in this wonderful part of India!

The Yoga teacher training in India
The course comprises Turiya Yoga's Modul 1 and Modul 2 (200 hours), covering therefore the fundaments of practical yoga anatomy, biomechanics, safe alignment, hands-on adjustments, use of props and so much more. Learn about yourself and be surrounded by a supportive and loving environment that will push you just enough so you can grasp your limits and grow whilst always respecting your own authentic way (and timing.) Map your natural yoga teaching qualities and have a clear map of what to keep developing during the yoga teacher training and also afterwards.
In practical terms, you will learn:
- You will come to know the yoga asanas (postures), benefits and contraindications. It is impossible to say that you will learn ALL the asanas since there can be hundreds or only 12 depending on the individual style of yoga practice. You will learn basic to intermediate postures and their applications. For your self-practice, if appropriate, you will also learn what some people refer to as advanced postures.
- You will understand the fundamentals of therapeutic aspects of the yogic practice. Please note that yoga therapy is a widely debated theme and there are several contrasting views on the matter. No 200h course can truly turn yoga practitioner into a yoga therapist one learns how to crawl, walk before, right? However, there are well known therapeutic aspects of yoga and a teacher do need to be well aware of those once prepping their classes.
- You will come to know the fundamentals of anatomy and biomechanics, including the skeletal and muscular, respiratory, nervous and neuromuscular connections amongst other topics. The study of movement is a pillar to our 200 hours yoga teacher training, and we spend extensive time understanding it so the students can teach yoga to different people (and bodies) safely and being able to support them by giving props, adjustment, variations and/or an alternative. That's because what you will do after the course is mainly teach a class that is usually predominantly asana (posture) based. However, we do also focus a whole lot of more than the usual on subtle practices as those are the goal of yoga.
- You'll understand how to prevent common and important injuries
- You will learn about the cultural background of yoga's development, its demystified history and the Indian teachings presented in key yoga texts. That includes important misunderstood concepts such as: chakras, koshas, kundalini, the 4 paths of yoga,etc. We believe it is possible to be inspiring and scientific at the same time. Some say that it takes some lifetimes to really know Yoga Humanities, but you'll at least be able to learn the most important aspects so that you can have a map to rely on after the course, being able to choose which areas to focus on according to your own interest. We empower our students so they can continue to learn for themselves (contrary to being lost once the course is over and not being able to even know which philosophical path from the several presented in yoga they truly relate to). Trust us, that is very important for one's journey J
- You will experience for yourself yogic cleansing techniques (kriyas)
- You will learn different techniques of breath-control/ breathing (pranayama) and how to teach it.
- You will learn the fundamentals of a yogic life & yogic diet, being able to distinguish these from Ayurvedic, vegetarian and vegan diets.
- You will experience especially designed groups dynamics to help you develop yoga teaching tools such as instruction, adjustment, demonstration, etc.You will be able to teach and assist plenty during the course.The lead teachers are the co-founders of Turiya Yoga and are there supporting you from the moment you practice to the moment you teach and assist you'll have valuable feedback.
- You will come to know how to read different students and the ethics involved in being a yoga teacher.
- You will learn how to sequence in steady practices and in flowing practices.
- You will also have the opportunity to apply for Turiya Yoga's internships: either in India or in Europe. You will have a great time experiencing teaching, assisting and learning some aspects of running a course.
- Last but not least, you'll keep deepening your own practice. Yes, you always need to continue your own self-practice even when you are teaching!
*Keep in mind, we welcome only 20 students so we can really give proper attention to everyone. Our lead teachers are with you in each step of the way