200H Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in India Yoga Alliance certified.

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If you are familiar with charity in India you might wonder if the money you are donating is being used as you expect. Turiya Yoga's founders are dedicated to bringing together Westerners and Indians, the latter of which are of course familiar with their country charitable institutions and NGOs, and are therefore able to help our visitors choose which institution is trustworthy. This is why we are confident to suggest to you an institution which we trust wholeheartedly. We do not have our own charitable organisation but in our hearts we are sure of one organization that has always been trustworthy: the integrated institute for the disabled.

The Institute was founded in 1993 in the holy city of Varanasi, as a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting people with disabilities through a multi-disciplinary team of professionals. Nowadays they have two branches. Since its inception, the founder Dr R A Joseph and his institution have received 8 awards both regional and national for their contribution to the field of social work and disabilities.

Education and rehabilitation are provided daily at the institute serving thousands of people with disabilities. The institute aims to cultivate a society which values every human being as equal while allowing each citizen to fully cherish its opportunities. In order to do this, the team relies on their own professionalism, a positive environment and extensive research on the development of human resources.

But how exactly can you help?

Monetary donations are always welcome, of course, or you can sponsor a child study and care for approximately 70 euros per month. You could alternatively volunteer to spend some time at the institute itself, like other foreigners already have, to see it with your own eyes and to experience what happens there on a daily basis.  All you need to do is go to their website and complete the application form.

"Teach this triple truth to all:

a generous heart,

a kind speech,

and a life of service and compassion

are the things which renew humanity.


A boy from NGO Varanasi

Customer Testimonails
Suzana and Manu are amazing. I love them! They create an atmosphere for us where we can really develop our potential. It wasn't just about teaching us facts and books, but also about a lifestyle.
Customer Testimonails
I just wanted to be able to teach yoga. What I really got was so much more! Turiya Yoga has far exceeded my expectations. The owners are warm, kind and beautiful people who helped me develop physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Customer Testimonails
What I really appreciate about this yoga teacher training is the high professional standard. I don't think there are so many yoga academy in the world where you can find so much love, balance and knowledge. It is really amazing, I highly recommend this training!
Customer Testimonails
I really like the way Suzana introduces the poses so we get the alignment right! I think that really makes a difference ! I also really enjoyed the quotes in the end of the classes, when everyone was with their hearts opened …
Customer Testimonails
Manu’s classes were amazing! He brought an incredible happy energy to the room , he was really knowledgeable and I felt really comfortable and safe! I felt like I could ask him anything and I got a really good response and overall I loved his classes and I think he is great!


Any questions?

A yoga teacher training is also a matter of trust. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. A yoga teacher training is a matter of trust! We advise and help you on every step you take.

Ashtanga Yoga Adjustment Class
Boat Pose Ashtanga Class
Hatha with Suzana
Fire Ceremony
Students teaching Dynamic Class
Smiles in Closing Ceremony
Manu Ashtanga Yoga Class
Relaxations in Hatha Yoga
Backbend Relaxing
Anatomy Class with Gems in Details
Opening Ceremony smiles